Dear William Bartram Scenic Highway Neighbor,

You’re invited! 

You are invited to join the William Bartram Scenic and Historic Highway organization.  We are grassroots volunteers dedicated to educating the community on the history and heritage of the SR 13 Scenic and Historic Highway and preserving it from encroachment by development.  If the history and beauty of this corridor is ever lost it will be gone forever!

We need your help and creative ideas to help us preserve and protect SR 13 and ask you to join us in this effort.

Volunteers with advocacy, grant writing, and organizational experience or simply wanting to get involved in the preservation of scenic and historic SR 13 will be very welcome.  To join please complete  the included card and return in the enclosed. Thank you!

We are a community based 501( c) (3) non-profit, volunteer group with a mission to preserve, protect, and educate the community on our local treasures – historic SR 13 and the St. Johns River, designated an American Heritage resource.  We do this through various channels including youth engagement, participating in local community events, and encouraging our local officials to make sensible and balanced decisions about our future.

Our organization is part of the collection of 27 Florida Department of Transportation designated scenic highways in Florida – all focused-on community-based advocacy and resource protection.  Additionally, SR 13 is also a St. Johns County scenic highway.

Our organization has worked tirelessly to preserve our byway from development including the most recent “plan” for commercial development at Greenbriar Road and SR 13 that requires zoning changes that are in conflict with the current County Comprehensive Plan prohibiting this type of activity.

For more information on our organization and accomplishments please see the reverse side of this letter

Please consider joining us in our efforts to keep Northwest St. Johns County scenic and historic. Al 


Abbatiello, Chairman

William Bartram Scenic & Historic Highway

Management Group